Paid 06/08/2020
Self-Sufficiency Grant

Fully Funded

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Progress: We've raised 100% of the cost of this application!



This person has left the following thank you note:

All of us at Modest Needs want to thank you so, SO much for your incredibly generous support of our COVID-19 grant program. So far, thanks to you, we've funded well over a quarter of a million dollar's worth of requests for help from families whose lives have been turned upside down by the Coronavirus pandemic. In fact, over the past three months or so, we've funded almost as many applications as we fund in an average year! We still have many, many more families hoping to receive assistance, and we hope you'll continue to support these families through our COVID-19 program until the need abates. But again, we can't thank you enough for helping us to earn this matching grant, for your kindness, generosity, and support, especially during this time. We look forward to seeing you again soon, but in the meantime, take care, and be well!

All Gifts NOW Matched to $150K! Help Furloughed Workers AND Essential Workers Affected by COVID-19!

My Story:

For the past several weeks, the Modest Needs community has been working exclusively to help the hourly workers who've been left suddenly without a job thanks to the COVID-19 crisis. But these furloughed workers aren't the only people who need our help at this time. At the moment, there are thousands of front line employees who've spent the past two months working to ensure that we have appropriate medical care, that we receive our deliveries, that our groceries and pharmacies remain open, and that our supply chain remains unbroken.

Over the past several weeks, we've learned is that in the course of taking care of all of us, these front-line heroes have been forced to bear tremendous financial burdens. They have to find a way to afford additional childcare, increased transportation costs, and other similar expenses. Yet, because these folks are technically 'working,' they've not been eligible to receive assistance from many of the organizations reaching out to employees affected by COVID-19.

That's why today, thanks to YOUR generosity, we're THRILLED to announce that we're expanding our COVID-19 grant program. Of course, we'll continue to help the furloughed hourly employees who're struggling to make ends meet. But going forward, our COVID-19 grants will ALSO be available to the front-line heroes who need our help to remain self-sufficient during this incredibly difficult time.

And we have even more good news for you: if we can complete this match by April 30, one of our donors has pledged to contribute an ADDITIONAL $50K to this cause. Our hope is that you'll PLEASE dig deep and continue to support both our furloughed hourly workers and our front-line heroes to the greatest extent that you're able, especially when your gift is ALREADY being matched, dollar-for-dollar, up to a maximum of $150k!

Thank you so, so much for your kindness, generosity, and support of those who need our help the most at this extraordinarily difficult time. We'll have a new update for you shortly, but in the meantime, take care, and be well!

As of 2020-06-08, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2020-06-10, Modest Needs sent payment via Credit / Debit Card in the amount of $9,000.00 to $150k disbursed to coronavirus relief program applicants on behalf of this deserving individual.