Paid 11/26/2019
Self-Sufficiency Grant
Imminent Loss of Vehicle
Unsupported Single Parent

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeI am overwhelmed with joy and relief because of those who were so kind to help my boys and I get through such a rough time. I am at a loss for words and have tears of joy because I did not expect for anyone to be able to help us. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. My boys and I are so very thankful for your kindness. I hope in the near future to be able to help someone else in need through this organization. God bless you all.

Mother of 2 Needs Help With Urgent Car Repairs to Get to Work

My Story:

I'm a single mom with 2 boys. My 10 year old loves to dance and my 17 year old is working on learning to drive. I work full time to support us.

The kids recently went back to school. Supplies and classes were more expensive than usual. The kids grew out of nearly everything they had and I over extended my finances to get most of what they needed. We live paycheck to paycheck and do not qualify for any help. I am having trouble keeping school lunch accounts paid and only make enough to cover most of our basic needs. The only car we have needs an expensive repair. Unable to get to work is making things more difficult to make ends meet. Please help us with the cost of this repair.

This will help bring us current on bills. I will be able to get to work and get the kids to school on time and continue to bring in income to remain stable. This will keep us from being put out as we have no family to turn to should something like that happen. Thank you.

As of 2019-11-26, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2020-05-22, Modest Needs sent payment via Credit / Debit Card in the amount of $753.03 to Goodyear Auto Service Center on behalf of this deserving individual.