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Unexpected Car Repairs, Parents of Sick Child Need Mortgage Help

My Story:

I am a married mother of two sons. My 14 year old is into sports and gaming, and my 6 year old has been diagnosed with leukodystrophy. Even with his illness, he has a bright outlook on life. He loves to build things and play games. My husband and I are full time employed at Wal-Mart. We also have a dog, Toothless, and a cat, Sassy.

We live paycheck to paycheck with some months barely getting by. Since our son got diagnosed with his disease, we are constantly driving back and forth to different appointments that are not close by. We only have one vehicle between the two of us, so, we have been running each other back and forth to work on top of going to the appointments for our son. Recently, we had to pay for necessary car repairs out of pocket which put a strain on our finances. We need Modest Needs help with our mortgage payment.

The funding will keep our mortgage current and allow us to keep up with our bills moving forward. I am in hopes that we will soon be able to put money aside for future car repairs or other emergencies. It will allow my husband and I to focus more on getting the help that our son needs rather than on late fees piling up. Thank you so much.

Help Complete this Application

$1,380.00  is the total cost to complete this application, including the cost of fulfillment.
$2.00  has already been given to Modest Needs by donors who've recommended this application for funding.
$1,378.00  is the amount necessary to complete this applicant's request for help.


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