Paid 06/20/2016
Self-Sufficiency Grant
Urgent Health Care

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

I feel very grateful for the help you provided in my case. This is the first time I deal with a foundation and it has been an excellent experience. I have always helped others without any interest. So that I really appreciate your kind assistance. I can't do much at this time but I'll be more than happy to help anyone for free...Let's say some volunteer work or some money if my situation changes in the future. A lot of blessings for everyone who donates for ModestNeeds!

Please Help Me Afford My Knee Injection

My Story:

I'm single man in my 50's. I was in an accident that left me very sick and disabled to the point that I could not continue my job at my full time schedule. This has left me on a very tight budget with no room for extras. I am trying to get back on my feet, and have been undergoing treatments for my knee. However, I do not have the extra money to pay for the out of pocket costs of my knee injections.

I am seeking help from Modest Needs for the remaining balance on my medical bill from my knee treatments. Having always worked it has been very terrible to feel sick, have my income reduced, and try and pay my medical expenses on such a tight budget.

It would be a great relief to have help with this medical bill. It will allow me to cover my monthly bills, as I try and work out a more stable financial path forward. I didn't expect to be in a position to need help like this, and I sincerely appreciate any assistance you are able to offer.

As of 2016-06-20, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2016-07-05, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $100.37 to Teofolio A. Dauhajre MD on behalf of this deserving individual.