Paid 05/31/2016
Self-Sufficiency Grant
Urgent Health Care

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeThank you very much for taking the time to read my story and donate to help me raise money for my physical therapy bill so I can save to be able to get the bioness to help me walk better this means so much to me and I am now one step closer to getting the device. Your donations have touched my heart and let me know how much people do care thank you again.

Full-Time Worker Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis: Please Help with Physical Therapy Bill

My Story:

I am single and live with my dog, Penelope, who is very loving and playful. I was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and have had to go through a lot of changes and adaptations in my life. I had been working full-time as an oral surgery assistant, but became physically unable to continue performing the duties of that job and had to change positions. I now work full-time as the back office manager, and implant treatment coordinator for the same practice. I love my dog very much and love spending time and playing fetch with her.

MS has created a lot of new challenges for me. Physically, I am experiencing hip and back problems, and have to wear a special brace to keep my foot in a locked position. I experience something called foot drop which causes my legs to become unsteady and weaken/buckle at the knees. I am working very hard to purchase a therapeutic device to assist me with my mobility and coordination. I have been through physical therapy recently to improve my physical function, but I cannot afford to purchase necessary medical equipment and pay for the large co-pay for my physical therapy treatments at the same time.

I am asking for Modest Needs' help with the out-of-pocket co-pay I owe for my physical therapy. While insurance covered a good deal of the bill, I am left with this balance. I live paycheck to paycheck, and this large co-pay for my physical therapy sessions is out of my budget. To make matters worse, I still need to find a way to set aside money towards the mobility device I've yet to purchase, and I am worried that with this large physical therapy bill looming over me, I will never be able to obtain the device I need to remain mobile and fear I will wind up having to use a wheelchair.

Your assistance will help me to remain financially stable, despite the onslaught of medical bills I have encountered since my diagnosis. I will be able to continue working and maintaining my quality of life, thanks to being able to receive the therapy I need for improved function. I don't ever want to give up on myself, and I am determined to be strong and fight. I will not let MS ruin my life. I am very touched to know others may consider helping me, and I would be truly thankful for any help I receive.

As of 2016-05-31, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2016-07-05, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $468.44 to Central Texas Neurology Consultants, PA on behalf of this deserving individual.