Paid 11/09/2011
Independent Living Grant
Imminent Loss of Vehicle
Urgent Health Care

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeI am so truly amazed and in awe at your generosity to a person you don't even know. I want to thank each and every one of you who have found it in your heart to donate to my family's need. In the economy we are in, I couldn't have imagined anyone giving, as I know there are many who are financially strapped. You have lifted our spirits. From the bottom of our hearts thank you so much. Because of you, our car heater will be fixed and our hearts will be warm as well as our bodies.

Man Needs Help Fixing Heater to Keep Him Healthy

My Story:

My family consists of my wife and I, our 16-year-old daughter and two dogs. My wife has bi-polar disorder, as well as diverticulosis, and she currently collects Social Security for her disability. I was working up until August 24, 2011. I have Lupus, Sjogren's, Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome, Raynauds disease, Heart Disease, Severe Asthma, Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis, and am in Hemolytic Anemia. I have recently filed for Social Security also, as I cannot work. My doctor also said I could no longer use stairs, and so as our bedroom was upstairs and our kitchen and bathroom, and living room are all downstairs, our 16 year old daughter moved all of our belongings downstairs where now my wife and I have separate rooms.

I just got a power wheel chair but can't go anywhere because I haven't gotten a ramp for my home or a lift for my car. I need Modest Needs help to pay for our car heater to be repaired. I have Raynauds disease in my hands and feet, and I cannot have them get cold. The Raynauds goes along with my Lupus. Please help us pay for the heater in our car. Our family was self-sufficient until just recently, and this assistance would get us right back on track.

This need was an unexpected need. The heater was not used during the summer, so we had no clue it wasn't working until we tried to use it when it became cold here in Michigan. I was the only one working and my wife received Social Security for her disability, so we lived paycheck to paycheck and could not save for emergencies. The winter here in Michigan is fast approaching and we really need the heater fixed. Thank you so much.

Financially this would greatly help us, as we find ourselves struggling now since I am disabled. I used to work two jobs, and then could only work one because of my Lupus. Now I am not working at all and in a power wheelchair. This has depressed me. I feel like less of a man and person now. If a stranger were to donate and help us pay for the car heater, I would consider it a blessing from God and be amazed at how gracious the person was who was giving to an unknown person. This world is full of people who don't care and only care about themselves. I am not one of those persons, and I would donate to and have given to strangers myself in the past when I could. The feeling is awesome when you give to a stranger and they are blessed by it. I would like to know what it feels like from the other end. Thank you so much.

As of 2011-11-09, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2011-11-14, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $319.85 to QuickLane on behalf of this deserving individual.