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Recently Unemployed - Mortgage Help

My Story:

I recently lost my company job of six years. They downsized and eliminated my position. I have filed for unemployment on 8-5-10, and they are telling me it will be eight weeks before I will receive a check. I have always been a month behind on my mortgage; since a divorce five years ago, and I have two kids in daycare. My mortgage company does not participate in the Michigan Hardest Hit Program because I live in a manufactured home park, I am struggling to keep up with lot rent and as of yesterday I am now two months behind on my mortgage payment.

I have just enough cash to pay my car payment and home/auto insurance. We have applied for Michigan food stamps, but it is not accepted as of yet. I really need assistance with my mortgage payment and I can pay my lot rent. I have two young children in elementary school and we really do not want to lose our home while I wait for Michigan unemployment. Thank-you!

Help Complete this Application

$1,639.00  is the total cost to complete this application, including the cost of fulfillment.
$20.00  has already been given to Modest Needs by donors who've recommended this application for funding.
$1,619.00  is the amount necessary to complete this applicant's request for help.


is the amount I'd like to give to Modest Needs, and I'd like to recommend that Modest Needs fund this request for help if possible.