ID# 206951 |
Providence, RI | Submitted: 2011-09-12 |
Total Cost:
Progress: We've raised 100% of the cost of this application!
This person has left the following thank you note:
Your generosity, your selflessness, and your sacrifice, which led to the funding of my Modest Needs application to help me with my mother's burial expenses are the best Christmas present I could have ever received. As you know, I am a soldier in the Army National Guard. I have been activated for deployment since July 2011. Being a soldier and being activated to serve my country is a great honor. However, with that honor comes a sacrifice many of us citizens/soldiers make when we leave our regular job, which usually pays more than the military. When my sister died unexpectedly this April, I was devastated. But I was able to pay for her final expenses (she was disabled and on SSI after having both her legs amputated and suffering from a stroke some years ago). As my family and I tried to come to terms with her loss and move on, my mother became gravely ill. It would be just a matter of time when she would succumb to her illness and I could only hope I was still in the country to be with her during her last days. Well, God granted me those days with her. However, since I had incurred the expenses of my sister's funeral just 4 months ago and was now on active duty orders for the Army, there was no money leftover to use or even try to save to pay for my mother's final expenses. That was a painful and devastating reality. I reached out to the army emergency assistance but did not qualify because I was not yet in my country of deployment and no other agencies was able to fund this request. After I submitted my application I waited and anxiously checked the status of my applciation each day. I had all but given up hope that the application would be funded when I received the wonderful news, and all I could do is say prayers of thanksgiving and praise to God for all of you as tears of joy streamed down my face. You cannot imagine how deeply I have been touched by your kindess. I will never, ever forget this. And, as soon as I am able, I will become a Modest Needs Donor to help others. Thanks you are two small words with a lot of meaning but they still cannot express how grateful I am that I am receiving this assistance. You are angels. May you be blessed many times over for what you do for others.
Funeral Expenses to Bury My Mother
My Story:
I am a single mother and I am a full time soldier in the Rhode Island Army National Guard. My son is a freshman in high school. I am also the power of attorney and health care proxy for my mother who was disabled when she suffered a stroke that left her speech severely impaired and her right side mobility limited. She died yesterday, and I need help paying the funeral expenses because my oldest sister died five months ago after suffering a seizure which put her in a coma and caused bleeding in the brain. We had to bury her in April. I am financially strapped because over the past few months my mother was in and out of the hospital a lot and MASS HEALTH would not reimburse her apartment for the time she was in the hospital, so I have an outstanding bill of $2,900 that I have to pay on her behalf, since I was financially responsible for her. These extraordinary expenses are breaking me, and I cannot afford her funeral and really need financial assistance.
My mother did not have life insurance because she could not afford it. Also, the nursing home would have taken its proceeds, as is required by their policies, and this is common to all the homes I looked into. So, because I have no savings and not enough income to just pay for the funeral, I need to ask Modest Needs Donors for help with this expense.
I am afraid that my mother will not have a funeral, and I have not asked what will happen to her body if we don't do something with her because I'm embarrassed and worried.
If I receive this funding, I will be able to give my mother the funeral she deserves, albeit very modest. My mother raised me even though she became disabled when I was 11 years old. She made sure I had a good education and moral values. Before today, I never knew there were organizations such as this to help people in need and I will most certainly become a donor, whether I receive the funding or not. I have always helped others with my time and skills but after going through this experience, I will help people from the little resources I do have because I know how it feels to be in a desperate situation and need someone to help you even though they do not know you.
As of 2011-12-25, this application has been fully funded!
This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors. |
Application Status Update: On 2011-12-28, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $2,485.00 to Brady & Fallon Funeral Services on behalf of this deserving individual.