Paid 06/22/2011
New Employment Grant
Imminent Loss of Housing
Urgent Health Care

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeI would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your assistance and commitment to help me through these truly trying times. As I mentioned in my original letter, I am 50, recently diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer, I had a wonderful job for over 1 month and was awaiting my insurance when diagnosed and within 1 month they fired me due to the cancer the the possibility of obtaining insurance. I am now unemployable, no income to day for 1 month, awaiting help from the Government (Disability, Social Security, Medicaid, anything) and have been denied all. So without all you wonderful people, I could also possibly be awaiting foreclosure on my home, which is all I have at this point in time in my life and more chemo treatments a head of me, all having to paid in cash or no treatment. You are wonderful people who truly care for the human race and mankind. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU and I do intend to give back just as soon as I am able. Love to all and God Bless each of you, Wanda Kelly

New Job And Recent Cancer Diagnosis

My Story:

I am a single 50 year old woman who, after 2 years of diligent search finally secured a full time, permanent job as of Wednesday 3/13/11. I began my job at 8:00 am on 3/13. Previous to that date, one week before, I went for a ultrasound/mammogram as one week prior I found a lump in my right breast. Since I've secured a general doctor for 2 years since I was laid off, because I had no choice, due to high blood pressure and a thyroid condition, my general doctor only made me come for visits 2 times per year, with general blood work every 3-4 months and reviewing those results to change/alter my med's as necessary, I could afford that with the temp work I had and unemployment that I was getting.

Long story, when I found my lump my general doctor provided an order for my mammogram/ultrasound and it cost (Medicare cost fee's) $160.00 and at the time I had that money, but that was 2 weeks ago. Of course the lump was large 16mm and they suggested an immediate biopsy (cost approx. $1000). I did not have the means to get this money and called the Susan B Kolman for the Cure Foundation and applied for these funds.

They directed me to Parrish Medical in Titusville, FL which is approx. 1 1/2 hours from me, but since I was not working at the time, that was fine. I made the appointment and they so nicely realized I was to begin work on 4/13 and got me in on 4/12. I went for the biopsy on 4/12 and went to work at 8 am on 4/13. I received a call on 4/14 from my primary doctor as I'm sure the Radiologist that did my biopsy did not want to call with the information, he farmed it off to my primary who called at 4:00 pm on 4/14/11 and informed me it was cancer of the 2+ grade.

I worked until 5 pm as was required and went home to research my new found growth. On Friday morning I went back into work and told my supervisor and HR department and they said they would keep me employed as long as I could do the job and not make myself absent any more than necessary. This is a very strict company with 8-5 hours, no exceptions, 10 minute break at 10 am and 3 pm and 45 minutes for lunch at 12 noon, everyone goes at the same time for these and if you miss them, you have missed the break/lunch times. Since Friday 4/15/11 I have worked all weekend applying for grants, medical assistance, doctors/oncologists/surgeon/hospitals, etc. that could help me and have made calls on every break and all lunch hours to see what help I could find.

Unfortunately, most of the Cancer Foundations are out of money right now until August, but my fear is that is too long to wait as my results are Triple Negative Breast Cancer which is very aggressive as I understand it with few ways to treat it (if any) and there are only clinical trials available. This brings me to today - and I received a call that a local oncologist would see me tomorrow at a fee of approx. $250 to read and decipher my results. I do have a credit card with a few hundred dollars available so that is my plan to see the doctor tomorrow at 10 am to see where I go from here and hope and pray that some foundation or funds will be secured prior to surgery which I am told at this point is imminent to try to save my life.

I have no other information at this time until tomorrow morning but would greatly appreciate any help to try to keep my mortgage (at the very least) up to date as since the last 2 years I had to go through near foreclosure and re-evaluation to bring my mortgage down $200 just so I could keep my home. Thank you with all my heart.

As of 2011-06-22, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2011-06-24, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $886.33 to BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP on behalf of this deserving individual.