Already Expired
Self-Sufficiency Grant
Urgent Health Care
Misc. Expense


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Surgery for Spleen Removal

My Story:

I have battling with low platelet levels of 2000 since October 2009. I have incurred some major medical bills that I cannot afford to pay on my salary alone. I have too many personal bills and living expenses and do not make enough money to make ends meet with the medical bills I have been paying out of pocket since the Dr discovered my condition.

I currently pay rent, car payments, insurance, utilities, credit cards, and expenses for food and gas. I had my surgery on June the 30th and my platelets have since dropped once again. My Dr is looking into life long medication if my platelets do not stay above 80,000 without medication. Any help with my current situation will be greatly appreciated, thank you for your time.

Help Complete this Application

$1,356.00  is the total cost to complete this application, including the cost of fulfillment.
$395.00  has already been given to Modest Needs by donors who've recommended this application for funding.
$961.00  is the amount necessary to complete this applicant's request for help.


is the amount I'd like to give to Modest Needs, and I'd like to recommend that Modest Needs fund this request for help if possible.