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Self-Sufficiency Grant
Imminent Loss of Vehicle
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I Need Help Replacing My Tires so That I Can Keep Doing My Job Safely!

My Story:

I am a single woman without family or friends in my city. In 2020, I graduated with a Bachelor's in Psychology/Neuroscience from a 4 year university that I'm very proud of. My work consists of working with small business owners to help them reduce business costs and keep their business running more efficiently. I'm a knitter, and I love that hobby very much; unfortunately, I have not had time to enjoy my most beloved hobby in nearly 3 years.

I travel for work almost every single day, and my tires have a lot of wear and tear on them as a result. They're at the point where they're too dangerous to drive on, but I can't afford to get all of them replaced and keep up with my monthly bills. Gas prices are rising, and it's taking a serious toll on my already precarious budget. I feel stuck right now because I have to drive in order to do my job, but every time I get on the road, I'm putting myself in danger. I've done my due diligence to make sure that all of my bills are taken care of, but if my car's tires aren't replaced soon, my situation could spiral out of my control. So, I'm humbly asking for assistance with replacing my tires.

The tread is splitting and the climate here is hotter during summer months. Every day, I've had to have my tires refilled with air to drive for the past month; however, now the alert is coming on after just an hour of driving. The situation is worsening, and I'm worried and stressed that I will lose my job since I may not be in the position to fulfill my working duties. This assistance would allow me to use my vehicle safely, and it will make sure that I can keep my job and remain financially stable for the foreseeable future. For that, I want to thank everyone who lends me a hand with these repairs, and I promise to pay this forward as soon as possible.

Help Complete this Application

$1,436.00  is the total cost to complete this application, including the cost of fulfillment.
$131.00  has already been given to Modest Needs by donors who've recommended this application for funding.
$1,305.00  is the amount necessary to complete this applicant's request for help.


is the amount I'd like to give to Modest Needs, and I'd like to recommend that Modest Needs fund this request for help if possible.