Expires in 64 days
Death in Family
Imminent Loss of Housing

Awaiting Funding

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I'm Facing Homelessness After an 8-Month Hospitalization & Both of My Brothers Dying!

My Story:

I am a 64-year-old retired educator with disabilities. I contracted COVID after checking in on a 93-year-old neighbor, and it caused me to be put on life support for 34 days before an 8-month-long hospitalization. I lost the ability to walk and couldn't even feed myself.

While recovering from my hospital stay, both of my brothers died within 12 days of one another. I usually have enough income for everything, but since I was the only living family member, my 26-year-old granddaughter and 8-month-old great grandson needed my help. I've had to pay for lodging, airfare, and funerals amongst other things to get our family through this horrible time.

I am asking for help with my rent, so I do not become homeless at my age and after everything I've been through this past year. I will be getting a part-time job in tutoring soon to help me through this, but your assistance will make sure I do not lose my home in the meantime. I will be able to grieve for my brothers and support the children they left behind as they grieve too. Thank you so much for reading and considering me.

Help Complete this Application

$1,197.00  is the total cost to complete this application, including the cost of fulfillment.
$103.00  has already been given to Modest Needs by donors who've recommended this application for funding.
$1,094.00  is the amount necessary to complete this applicant's request for help.


is the amount I'd like to give to Modest Needs, and I'd like to recommend that Modest Needs fund this request for help if possible.